Business Time

Purple passion asparagus

Last year's trench building has paid off. Almost all of my asparagus have come up. Unfortunately, it's still another year before we can eat it. Farming is an exercise is delayed gratification and patience. But I think most of us could use some practice in those departments.  

Two rows of blueberries
Another benefit of last year's work is that the soil in the two rows we prepped for blueberries was ready. I compared the pH of the treated beds and untreated ones and I was on target for the berries with a pH just under 5. My non blueberry beds were just above 6 which is good for veggies. Thus far we have planted about 30 plants. Today Mike and I took the sawdust/woodchip mulch and applied it to my berry beds. I was amazed at how beautiful they looked. I also experienced the wonder of a pitch fork for the first time. I set out with a metal rake to push around the mulch but Mike advised me to use his pitchfork. As usual, it was excellent advice. It was so easy to use. In fact, I was so impressed that I told Mike I was crushing on his pitchfork. He admitted that it was one of his best tools. And I thought pitchforks were just quaint country decorations, surpassed by modern technology.
Green sunset

I've also increased our animal household by 4 souls this year. You've met Bill Scrapps, but the other day I found three girls looking for love as well. 

Azalea time

A wee Rhode Island Red


  1. Dannnnng...You didn't share how Mr. Blue felt about 3 additional chicks...

    I wish I had the patience and stamina for gardening. It looks so relaxing.


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