A talk with....

The recycling trash man!!

There is a rumor on the Nashville recycling scene that you now have to sort your recyclables. I found this rumor both distressing and silly. It's bad enough to lug all my recyclables from the country to the city every other week, but sorting them too! Ain't nobody got time for that!!

So today, I happened to catch the recycling truck in the alley and I had my own private Q&A session. I found out that you DON'T need to sort the recyclables. As I pointed out to the recycling truck man, they all get dumped into the back of the truck anyway. What SHOULD be sorted is glass. And by sort, I mean throw your glass into the trash can. As I suspected, glass is NOT recyclable in Nashville. A couple years ago I found out that there are not many glass recycling centers in the southeast and the cost to transport the heavy stuff is not economically feasible. Aluminum cans ARE recyclable. So here's the take away:

You don't need to sort the recyclables.
Throw glass in the trash.
Aluminum food cans can be recycled.

Shit, I forgot to ask about the pizza box rumor.* I'll research this next time.

The pizza box rumor is that pizza boxes are NOT recyclable because of the pizza grease.

This fantastic calendar can be purchased at Parnassus Books in Nashville


  1. After reading this post, I finally remember not to put glass in the recycling :)


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