Bahamas Day Two

Today was my last day as a tourist at the Ashram. Tomorrow I begin the yoga teacher training. As a "TCC" (that what they call people in the teacher training program), I'll be expected to participate in a regimented schedule which includes meditation, yoga classes, lecture classes, and "karma yoga" which translates into "working for free". Because I'm an anxious person I've been spending a lot of time wondering what my karma yoga assignment will be. I could be the cashier lady at the little store, I could be a dishwasher in the teacher house, or work in the kitchen. I don't know what the other jobs are but I hope to receive a back friendly assignment. Working in the store would be cool because it's kind of like being mayor of this four acre yoga village. It's also cold as f*** in the store which would be realllly nice. But we'll see. From what I understand it's a totally random assignment.

My class of 30 aspiring yoga teachers follows directly after the class of aspiring yoga teachers in June. So as we trickle in, they trickle out. At dinner time I've talked to some of the graduated class. People have enjoyed themselves but also warned me of the intensity of the experience. Some of the teachers have chuckled and told us that in the last week the TTCs are very tired. Some of my classmates have also mentioned that it is going to be a challenging month. But here's the thing, I'm not impressed. How bad could it be people? We are on a tropical island doing yoga, meditating, and learning. We get a feast two times a day. We get breaks. Did I mention they sell vegan, gluten free cookies and other baked goods in the gift shop? Here's the daily schedule for your consideration:

Let me translate: Satsang is the meditation, chanting, and "church" portion. Karma yoga as I mentioned is working your job. The rest is pretty self explanatory. Not so bad, right?

I'm not trying to be cocky or anything but I've been a hospital nurse for seven years. That means I work twelve hour shifts sometimes without food or drink. And though I may be lacking in my own personal body fluids by the shift's end I am guaranteed to be wearing someone else's. I never know what I am walking into when I come through the doors. Will I have a chill day? Will I save someone's life? Will I be cleaning up a dead body? Will I have a patient with explosive diarrhea? You get the picture.

Another reason I'm not impressed with warnings about the intensity of the yoga program is that I went to an accelerated nursing program. My program consisted of 30-40 high stress individuals, taking high stakes exams every week. We did all the hospital rotations and learning that most nursing students do in two years in one year. That was intense buddy.

The third reason is that even though I am in many ways a lady of leisure at this point in my life, I am at my core a New Haven street urchin. I honestly never thought I'd make it out of dead end restaurant jobs and crappy relationships. I certainly never thought I'd leave New Haven. International travel was a far away desire, and never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be afforded the luxury of not working for an entire month to go to yoga camp.

But who knows, maybe yoga school in the Bahamas will be a huge challenge. I'm certainly intimidated by the issue of my back pain. For journalism's and fun's sake I'm going to make a bunch of statements today and re-evaluate those statements at the conclusion of the program.

1. This program will not be that challenging and I will really enjoy it.

2. I will not have back pain at the end of 30 days (fingers crossed on this one).

3. I will discover something new about myself.

4. I will want to throw at least two of my classmates into Nassau bay.

The last statement brings me to my next point. Who are the people at a 30 day yoga teacher training in the Bahamas? I've only met a few so far but here are the cast of characters.

Southwest dude: This guy came here with his mom. His mom surprised him with the yoga teacher training for his birthday and is going to also hang around for a few days? The whole time? I'm not sure yet. SW dude turns 40 tomorrow. At the conclusion of the program his wife and one year old child will fly down, attend the teacher training graduation, then stay on for another week. This is all information I have overheard as I refuse to ask him any questions. Here are my questions about SW dude, who so far I find kind of creepy and will try to avoid.

Your mom surprised you with a yoga teacher training. Was that something you were even interested in?
You seem to be a middle aged man with a family. How is that your job allows you to just leave for five weeks on no notice?
Your wife is cool with being a single parent for the next month? Do you have a nanny?

Seattle girl: This woman is a massage therapist from Seattle. However, she is done living in Seattle and has packed up all her stuff. When she leaves the yoga teacher training she will be moving to Colorado where apparently they pay massage therapists well. I like Seattle girl. I think we'll be friends. She seems down to earth, and like me this is her first teacher training.

Israel lady: This woman is from Israel and has a name I can't pronounce. This name either means violet or violet is her side name. I can't really understand her too well so I'll be calling her Violet whether she likes it or not.

That's it for characters so far. I imagine there will be many more characters. So far I'm Ms. Blue from Nashville. I haven't really told people too much about me. I guess I could a variety of stories, all true, but all different. For example, I could say:

I'm a graduate student. I'm studying the effects of a yoga program on anxiety and self efficacy in adults with addiction to drugs and alcohol for my dissertation. When I get home, I'm going to implement my program.

I'm a nurse. I've always wanted to do a yoga teacher training program and here I am.

I'm a housewife. My husband is a big deal and he told me I could come here if I let him move to Houston.

Here are some pictures of my dorm. It's an L shaped room which allows for some privacy. It's probably not very yogic of me but I'm hoping that I don't get a roommate. I don't so much mind sharing a room, but I don't want to be self conscious about my need to get up multiple times a night to use the bathroom.

From this angle you would have just walked into our cottage and looked left. 

If you go around the bend in the previous picture you will find my little nook. 

This is my non-existent roommate's bed taken from the end of my nook. 


  1. I'd like to find out more deets about Yoga-son and the questions you came up with. I'm quite curious.

  2. I don't answer the questions until the end. What are your specific yoga questions?

  3. He's a middle-aged man with a family, how is he leaving anything? Does he have a job? Is his wife okay with this? What kind of lifestyle does he lead that he can just leave? Why did his MOM come with him? Is she staying the whole time? Etc.


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