I love words. Or better yet, I love expressions. If I hear that someone is madder than a three legged billy goat, my day has been made. A culture rich with new and elaborate expressions like these are another reason I adore my new home in the south. Expressions like these make me happy. And I'm happy to share my northern vernacular with the south. I told my patient to scooch over the other day and his wife gave me a hairy eyeball. "What's that mean?" she asked. My patient, a fellow northerner explained it meant to move over. His face had lit up as I said it. I think it made his night. Who knew that scooch was a northeast thing? He was also pleased when I referred to the large group of rounding doctors as a posse. In the hospital we have to create humor anytime we can.

I've always been one to create my own way of saying things as well. Many of my expressions are products of my tendency toward exaggeration. Sometimes my "verbal black holes" frustrate my husband. However, assuming one of my expressions is not the centerpiece of an argument I think he derives some pleasure from them. Half the time I don't even pay attention to what I'm saying. Last night he asked me to save electricity or heat or some sensible thing and I responded that "I don't need a 6 hour lecture every 5 minutes". Only later did I realize the ridiculous impossibility of my statement. And I found it funny as all get out.


  1. What would my childhood nickname be if I lived in the South?!?! It would not be Scooch....


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