Pea Salad

When you grow your own food you often find yourself with an abundance of a certain item. Right now I'm silly with snow peas, cilantro, parsley, lettuce and arugala. Eating what's available forces me to make new recipes so that what I'm growing doesn't go to waste. It's a fun little challenge. Today's recipe was so delicious and easy I decided to share.

Pea Salad

Snap a bunch of peas into twos or threes. Use a variety with an edible pod.
Pluck two stalks of parsley and two stalks of cilantro. Don't bother to cut.
Crumble feta to taste.
Add a spoonful of pesto.
Drizzle some olive oil.
Salt and pepper.

Mix and enjoy.


  1. I wish I had the room/patience/time to garden. It's just sad.


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