Holy Awkward

Have I mentioned that I can be the epitome of social awkwardness? I've come a long way with my social skills but every once in a while I do or say something so far fetched that I want to die on the spot. I don't even really want to confess what I said today because it was so bad. However, I can't stop thinking about it, and I thought writing might help.

I was talking to my boss the other day and we got to talking about farming. I told her about my garden and chickens and she was telling me that her brother was really into homesteading. In fact, he was a sheep shearer. I thought this was cool and asked her if he ever milked them. She told me she'd ask him.

Sidenote: I've been intrigued by the concept of dairy sheep lately. All of my favorite cheeses come from Sheep's milk but I've yet to hear of a person keeping a sheep for it's milk.

Fast forward to today. I stopped into her office to tell her something work related. She was sitting at her desk with the assistant manager.

"I asked my brother about his sheep. He doesn't milk them. He did have one that had a baby the other day though. It died."

"Oh!" I said, then I blurted out "It must have been the cutest little dead baby!"

We all laughed uncomfortably and I took my exit.

She has to think I'm the craziest person on earth now. I wouldn't blame her.

If only I could go back in time and erase what I said.


  1. Everybody says stupid things from time to time. Not everybody is smart enough to realize that they say stupid things from time to time. So you got that going for you.

  2. As far as dead mammals go...a little sheep has to be top 5?


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