I hadn't really intended to make any New Year's resolutions, but I can see no harm in cobbling together a few last minute New Year's Goals.
1) Be an active budgeter. Set goals and follow through.
2) Eat less hair. Hair balls are bad.
3) Spend less money on my delicious hair.
4) Talk less shit. Talking mad shit is petty and bad for the soul.
5) Spend less mindless time on the internet. Limit gawker reading to the "Thatz Not Okay" column by Caity Weaver.
6) Learn to identify at least 10 constellations.
7) Write more. Even when school gets started.
8) Join the Tennessee Nurses Association. Get involved.
How's about you? Any New Years Goals?
Anna's goal is to eat a chicken. No changes there. |
Not be "that chubby bridesmaid" in my friend's wedding photos.