I found out today that the teacher training course (TTC) doesn't officially start until we are inducted at Satsang tonight. So I asked Seattle girl who is a massage therapist and physical therapy assistant if I should just take today off from yoga and she said yes. I followed her advice, though I did do a lot of walking and swimming. But walking feels good. It's sitting that makes me feel like I'm 100 years old instead of 34.
After breakfast I took a three mile walk through the water. I added the water component because it felt good and to add a little cardio without running. In a desperate last minute attempt to heal my back I ditched my running streak earlier this week. I made it 10 months running three miles every single day. RIP running streak. Once this back heals I'll give it another shot. Or maybe design a new regimen.
I walk to Atlantis |
And then back to the Ashram |
This is my leg enjoying the warm Bahamian water |
A mama hen and baby in downtown Nassau |
Seattle girl did turn out to be a friend and we spent our last unstructured day on a hunt for Bahamian mangoes in Nassau
This was supposed to be an awesome market but it was the same fried fish and conch shack repeated times 20. |
We did find a fruit shack at the end and got Bahamian mangoes grown on the island of Andros.
The dock at the ashram |
We took a boat to get to Nassau and walked back. A bridge was involved.
In other new Joseph moved to Houston with Bill Scrapps. He said the drive was mostly boring until he got to Texas. As he described it he said that when we moved from DC to Nashville the sentiment was "Oh cute, it's the south". The vibe he got on the move from Nashville to texas was "oh shit".
More on that later though. Overall, the move was successful.
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