
This picture has nothing to do with this blog or this post, but it's awesome and I want to share it.

I begin each morning by walking my two wiener dogs down to the chicken coop and hanging their leashes (with dogs still attached) on a nearby fence post. Then, as my dogs watch me, I feed and water the chickens. My girl wiener dog, Anna used to get a little upset when I entered the coop. She's progressed and managed to keep her cool, so long as Steve doesn't try any shit with me. My morning routine is pretty relaxing and I enjoy it.

Joseph and I had been lamenting lately that we could not let our chickens graze outside the coop. Their grass has gotten muddy and brown while the grass outside is still green and lush. I think I let my subconscious desires into my conscious on one morning. I always keep the coop door slightly open when I'm fetching the water and the food as an emergency get a way. I always enter with a broom. I take these precautions because Steve has turned into a cocky teenager. I don't support the watching or participating in cock fights, so I try to avoid them. However, at this point I'd be a liar if I told you I hadn't been a cock fight or two. But, I had no choice. The broom is my defense.

On one morning, as usual, I left the door of the coop slightly ajar, and a posse of 3 hens led by Steve escaped. They nibbled on the green grass and strutted about. No one seemed intent on straying far. However, my lack of control over the situation was disconcerting and Anna was barking up a storm. A fight between her and Steve would not go well. Steve's advantages included the ability to fly, talons, a few extra pounds, and height. Anna's disadvantages included her small size, lack of talons and tendency to lay on her back when shit hits the fan. My emergency prioritizing kicked in and I grabbed the dogs and ran them back to the house. When I returned the Flew The Coop Posee was clucking around behind the coop looking like get away felons. Using my best Hansel and Gretel moves I used food to lure them back to the coop. While this was an unplanned adventure, it gave me hope that with supervision I can let the flock have a little freedom.

I'm starting to feel as though this blog should be called Nurse Chicken given that the majority of my posts pertain to nursing or chickens. Blueberries and bluegrass are a part of my life, but are a much smaller part of this blog. However, Blueberries and Bluegrass has a much nicer ring than Nurse Chicken. What are your thoughts?


  1. I like the irrelevant pictures! And I think Nurse Chicken is very relevant. I'm glad you have safety precautions for Steve too.

  2. I've got a comment and a question.
    Comment: I kind of like the Nurse Chicken moniker, but it could be misconstrued (Nurse Scaredy Cat), and besides, the Bluegrass and Blueberries thing works. So I say stick with the B&B.
    Question: I'm always seeing chickens running around loose in yards, even in the suburban area I live in now. So why can't the group be allowed to roam free a bit? They wouldn't leave? Or would they?

  3. I mostly wrote this post a couple weeks ago and finished it last night. Since I wrote it I have let the chickens out quite a bit, but always supervised. We have a pretty big stray dog population out here, and one dog could wipe out my small flock. They do stay pretty close to home, so I don't think they'd leave.


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