This ain't right

In the coming weeks I will explain how to disband your local police department. Ours is a menace and I'm not taking their harassment anymore. I am a law abiding, tax paying, property owner and I refuse to be hassled to and from the grocery store and work. I will not stop until I've dismantled the local police department.

The police in my town are extremely redundant and obviously bored. In Tennessee we have counties. My town happens to be the county seat. In addition there is a DMV in my town. Those two factors mean that I already have a state and county police presence. The city police are an unnecessary expenditure.

I began some of the legwork on this mission several weeks ago when my Joseph got pulled over for no good reason. Tonight, when I got pulled over, my zeal for the task was reignited.

Step One:

Contact your local congressperson and find out who you can complain to. My local congressperson's representative was very helpful. Because I'm trying to take down a city police department, the person I need to contact is the assistant city manager. My congressperson has already given me the assistant managers contact info. I'll be making some calls tomorrow.

In the meantime I've got a list of things I can do.

  • I'm going to write editorials to the local newspapers.
  • I'm going to contact the nasty local news stations and tell them my plans and see if they'll do a story on the harassment. 
  • I'm going to find out the police department budget. Then, I'm going to think of better ways my town could spend that money.
  • I'm going to find and contact my local city council people. Perhaps I'll attend city council meetings. 
  • I can poll/interview local residents and business owners to find out what the police have done for them. If these police officers aren't saving babies and fighting crime I'll use that information to my advantage. 

My fields are tilled, my chickens are warm. I've got two months for this project until I've got better things to do.
